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Sun Nov 23, 2003 4pm - 6pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Bunnydrums Smithson
Pkd/Simulacra / Metropolis Records
U-Ziq Siege of Antioch
Bilious Paths / Planet Mu Records Ltd.
Matmos Reconstruction
Civil War, the / Matador Records
Cale, John strange times in cassablanca Honi Soit / A&M
Muslimgauze Arabbox Arabbox / Soleilmoon Recordings
Sharkbait Arabia Deserta Blowtorch Face-Lift / Primitech Releases
Anatolia Ya Hweydalak
Lost Songs of Palestine / Unknown
Ives, Charles General William Booth Enters Into Heaven Charles Ives: Music for Chorus / Columbia
Skullflower Saturn
Exquisite Fucking Boredom / Tumult
Healamonster and Tarsier Cotton Candy
00:00:01 / Bmi
Lt. Caramel 13 RRR-100 / Rrrecords
Themselves Remixed Odd Nosdam You Devil You
No Music of Aiffs, the / Anticon
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Red Moon
Live / Sickroom Records
Parker, Evan/Paul Lytton Mild Steel Rivets for P.H.
At the Unity Theater / Psi Records
Sylvain Chauveau Alors La Lumiere Vacille
Un Autre Decembre / Fat Cat Records
Handel The Water Music Suite Treasury of Classics Vol 4 Eight Track / Long Dead
Doan, Tam Tieng Coi trong Suong Dem Tieng Coi trong Suong Dem / Van Son Entertainment
Peaches Tombstone, Baby
Fatherfucker / Kitty Yo
Bardo Pond Every Man
On the Ellipse / Atp Recordings
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Moe! Sings Cheer
Live / Sickroom Records
Smith, Wadada Leo/Anthony Brax Composition No. 314
Organic Resonance / Pi Recordings
Drake, Alfred & Doretta Morrow Overture ("Rhymes Have I") Kismet (Original Broadway Cast) / Columbia
Ideal Social Structure 36 RRR-100 / Rrrecords
Tchaikovsky huh Treasury of Classics Volume 4 Eight Track / Long Dead