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Tue Dec 09, 2003 9am - noon 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Paul Shapiro Ma Lecha Hayam
Midnight Minyan / Tzadik Records
Paul Shapiro Freigish Behavior
Midnight Minyan / Tzadik Records
Bluegrass Intentions Polly Put the Kettle on Old As Dirt / Native and Fine Records
Achi Ben Shalom Bona Habanot
Hebrew Love Songs / (Unknown)
Vocolot Eretz Zavat Chalav U'dvash Heart Beat / Oyster Albums
Tanja Solnik Numi Numi
Dreamland / Putumayo World Music
the Klezmatics Yo Riboyn Olam
Rise Up!/Shteyt Oyf! / Rounder Records
Klezmer Conservatory Band Kol Rina Dancing in the Aisles / Rounder Records
Mark Levy A Nign Bin Ikh Mir a Shnayderl / Mitzvah Music
the Waybacks Hesitation Blues Way Live / Fiddling Cricket Music
charlie cutten one too many goodbyes basic transportation / cuttengems
Nitza Rikdi Israeli Oriental Music / Unknown
Abby Rabinovitz Conor Rides the Trains We Used to Dance / Yamuna Records
Hyim Angel Ronnie Let Out a Little Peace / (Unknown)
Davka Nachshon's Wail Lavy's Dream / Interworld Music Assoc.
rabbi marcelo bronstein et dodim with every breath / jam
shlomo shai & moshe eskayo elem vesusato naarah / IFC
Chava Alberstein Back Home Foreign Letters / Rounder Records
Kaila Flexer Mazel Tov
Next Village / Compass Records