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Fri Jan 11, 2002 12 - 3 am 
Sleepytime Gorilla MuseumSleep Is WrongGrnad Opening and Closing /
Don CaballeroFor RespectFor Respect /
BullScalesGordon Zone /
Control R Modular SetshopDark FireworksControl R Modular Setshop /
Jason KahnPaquisTRANSMISSIONS004 :: Ch /
TarsterTawanteperLive at the Complex 2 /
Acid Mothers TemplePink Lady LemonadeLive From the Devil's /
PlutoKillin' MoodShoehorse Emerging /
the NommonsembleTransformationLife Cycle /
Craig TabornSt. RangleholdLight Made Lighter /
GillicitNouvelle Cuisine
Ginseng /
Cuong VuVina's LullabyeCome Play with Me /
Splatter TrioSplatter Vs. the TitansAnagrams /
Marc RibotIt Could Have Been Very BeauSaints /
Luther RoyceBilly VaneroFolk Music From Wiscon /
IceburnPoem of FirePoetry of Fire /
Connors, Loren MazzacaneWind in the Trees/The CoupleIamphotographer /
QulfusSkrunk BlewsHere there Be Dragons /
Hudak, John + Jason LescalleetFigure 2.02Figure 2 /
Olive GrainRed LightOlive Grain /
Esquivel!Harlem NocturneEsquivel! /
Esquivel!Jalousie (Jealousy)Esquivel! /
SplinksTowaryzy RobotniczySplinks /
Marclay/YoshihideBlood EddyMoving Parts /
PresocraticsNestor Mahkno Discovers AmerPresocratics Serve Imperialism /
Kristian, Shalabi, St-OngeTinkle ReptileKristian, Shalabi, St-Onge /
T Evolution Control CommitteeRebel Without a Pause (WhippWhipped Cream Mixes, the /
Set Fire to FlamesOmahaSings Reigns Rebuilder /
Evan ParkerLine 1Lines Burnt in Light /
Ex OrkestKokend AsfaltEen Rondje Holland /
LozengeSaw a ManSaw a Man /
TricolorCajoleNonparticipant + Milk /
Flaherty, Paul/Chris CorsanoRut One
Hated Music, the /
Fredy Studer & Dj M. SingeDuo 16Duos 14-20 /
Residents, the (Soundtrack)Kick a Picnic
Icky Flix /
Markus JamesPremonitionSpirit Gate /
Bag: TheoryShark AttackA Good Ass-Kicking Wears Many /