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Mon Feb 17, 2020 6am - 9am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Gerre Hancock Fanfare I Praise the Lord / Argo

Fort Smith Symphony Symphony no. 3 (Sunday Symphony) Still: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 / Wood Notes / Naxos

Maria Bachmann Corigliano: The Red Violin: Chaconne Bachmann: The Red Violin / Endeavor Classics

Hesperion XX Corelli: Follias (1700) La Folia 1490-1701 / AliaVox

James Welch Nanney: Adagio, from Sonata in E minor Instrument of Peace / Arkay

Blackburn Cathedral Choir Byrd: Teach me, O Lord Thy Word is a Lantern / Lammas Records
Canzonetta Carter: The Light of the world Canzonetta Sing Carter / Guild
Die Gruppe für Alte Musik München Senfl: Mater digna Dei Josquin / Senfl: Marian Motets / Ars Musici
Clerkes of Oxenford White: Portio mea, Domine Tallis: Messe Puer Natus Est / Calliope
The Tallis Scholars Tallis: Blessed are those that be undefiled The Complete English Anthems / Gimell

Stern, Lin, Laredo, Ma, Robinson Boccherini: Quintet in E major, Op. 13, No. 5 (selections) Schubert/Boccherini: Quintets for Two Violins, Viola & Two Cellos / Sony Classical

06:45 am Andrès Segovia Bach: Chaconne (from Violin partita no. 2) The Segovia Collection, Vol. 1 / MCA Classics

The Westminster Choir Copland: The promise of living Westminster Choir at Spoleto Festival, USA / Gothic

Choir of New College Shenandoah (arr. Erb) Early One Morning / Erato

Gregg Smith Singers Gottlieb: Presidential Suite Songs of Humor & Satire / Premier

London Symphony Orchestra Take care of this house (from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) Bernstein: A White House Cantata / Deutsche Grammophon

Roosevelt University Chamber Orchestra Soul of a nation: Concerton for violin & string orchestra (Thomas Jefferson) Victoria Bond: Soul of a Nation: Portraits of Presidential Character / Albany Records

Lin-Manuel Miranda One last time / I know him Hamilton / Atlantic

Oscar Brand Song of the Presidents Presidential Campaign Songs: 1789-1996 / Smithsonian/Folkways