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Tue Mar 09, 2004 8pm - 10pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Sun Kill Moon Glenn Tipton
Ghosts of the Great Highway / Jetset Records
Henry Kaiser The Devil's Dance
Playola / Independent
Jason Webley Music That Tears Itself Apart Viaje / Jason Webley
the Fiery Furnaces Leaky Tunnel
Gallowsbird's Bark / Rough Trade Records
Lungfish This World Love Is Love / Dischord
Against Me! Turn Those Clapping Hands into Angry Balled Fists As the Eternal Cowboy / Fat
Mekons Dan Dare Punk Rock / Quarterstick Records
Mars Helen Fordsdale
New York Noise / Soul Jazz Records
Metal Urbain Colt 45
Anarchy in Paris / Carpark Records
Giant Haystacks Song for Ross
Patriotism in Action / Independent
Thyra Hilden Band Evindelig Kvindelig
Toxic Girls! - Nightwa / Tsunami-Addiction
Erase Errata Lets Be Active
Frisco Styles / Now Rainbow Records
Fugazi Furniture Furniture EP / Dischord
Wire In the Art of Stopping Send / PinkFlag
Scream Fight/American Justice Still Screaming/This Side Up / Dischord
Avskum Fight Back Capitalism
Punkista / Prank
Disgust Dust to Dust The Horror of it All... / Crimes Against Humanity
Crucial Unit Thrashin' is Our Business is Mediocre at Best Everything Went Strunk / De La Mente
Circle Takes the Square track 4 s/t / Robotic Empire
Le Scrawl Untitled [demo] Too Short to Ignore / Life is Abuse/RSR
Malefaction A Cold Ward for a Cold World
Where there Is Power there Is / G7 Welcoming Committee
Himsa A Girl in Glass
Courting Tragedy and Disaster / Prosthetic Records
God Forbid Living Nightmare
Gone Forever / Century Media
Burnt by the Sun Buffy Burnt by the Sun / Relapse
Morser 10,000 Bad Guys Dead 10,000 Bad Guys Dead / Chrome Saint Magnus
Tararu A Truly Clearchannel
A Light in the Attic / None
Kylesa A 100 Degree Heat Index
No Ending / Prank
Pelican Gw
Australasia / Hydra Head
Neurosis Lost Official BOOTLEG.02.STOCKHOLM / Neurot Recordings
Trad Gras Och Stenar Sanningens Silverflod
Djungelns Lag / 1/2 Special
Aelters Jestood
Ardchild'com.Undo / Sonig