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Fri Aug 17, 2001 fri. 3-6 p.m. 
Breuker, Willem KollektiefI Heard As If I Had no EarThirst! /
Graham ConnahEscape From Theme Part PokeyBecause of Wayne/The Only Song /
Joe MorrisAtmosphereSingularity /
Moondoc, Jemeel/Jus Grew OrcheFloraSpirit House /
Moondoc, Jemeel VtetMoon ModeRevolt of the Negro Lawn Jocke /
Ernesto/Forsyth Diaz-InfantePassing One AnotherWires and Wooden Boxes /
Wilber MorrisNycCimposium Volume 9 /
BottomfeedersWest RangeBottomfeeders /
Dolmen Orchestra...Del MinotauroMinotrauma /
Silva, Alan/Sound Visions OrchVisions IiAlan Silva and the Sound Visio /
Karayorgis, Pandelis TrioComing Out of NothingBlood Ballad /
Ani DifrancoMarrowReckoning / Revelling / Righteous Babe Records
HubbubUbUb/Abu /
Ware, David S.Direction:PleiadesCryptology /
Drew GressIt Was After the Rain ...Spin & Drift /
Papa BoaLa Mer a BoireChante! 1985-2000 /
John/Charles/Dorner ButcherPamplemousseContest of Pleasures, the /
Horace TapscottSandy & NilesThoughts of Dar Es Salaam /
Phil RanelinVibes From the TribeVibes From the Tribe /
Chicago Underground QuartetA Re-Occurring DreamChicago Underground Quartet /
Pago LibreLittle Big HornCinemagique /
Barry, Robert/Fred AndersonTapsDuets 2001 /